Our Goal
Back in 2014, as I was studying one day, God laid this on my heart, and while I tried to ignore it, the burden just kept getting bigger. I was reading Matt. 28:19-20, what is known among many as the Great Commission, that God has given us to carry out.
Matt 28:19-20
19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:
20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.
The thing God was showing me was what has leaded me to create this site. He has shown me that many of our churches across America have gotten verse 19 down. As churches over the years, we have been winning the lost, but we have failed in the second part of the Great Commission. You see, the Great Commission has two verses, not just one. In verse 20, we see this statement.
Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you:
When I was a young boy, churches had Sunday school, then church, and then in the evening we had training union and church again. Wednesday, we have church again. The church services on Sunday night and Wednesday night was not a 30 -40 minute services. They were 1 1/2 – 2 hours long each night. I point this out because this added up to between 6-7 hours of teaching and preaching per week. I give credit to being under the Word for so many hours a week, as to why I have a understanding of the Bible today. Yes, I went to college, but it just reinforced what I had been taught through my early years.
Now, let us compare that to today church. We may or may not have Sunday school. Many that do have only see 20-25% of their Sunday morning crowd present for it. Then we have church services that morning. Then, on Sunday evening those that do meet, are only there for 30-45 minutes tops. The crowd for Sunday night is on average about like Sunday school, 20-25% of the congregation from their Sunday morning. Then, we meet on Wednesday evening for about a hour or less, and the children have their class time. A breakdown of Wednesday is about 20 minutes class time, 20 minutes refreshment, and 20 minutes play time. I am pointing this out not trying to be critical, but to make a point.
The point being: if you attending everything happening at your church in a given week, it would be 3 hours or less of your time. As your pastor will tell you, in today’s church environment, he is only one person, and there is only so much teaching and training he can do on a Sunday morning. So this is the reason the Lord has laid this site on my heart: To help fill in the gap that the church cannot fill at this time in our society due to manly the lack of desire to learn. Our desire is that with this site: you will be able to grow spiritual with solid Bible believing teaching, we will help people that want to learn God’s Word, have a desire to grow in the Lord and become strong disciple so that God can use them for His service.